While building a web project, we may often come across the situation of displaying records or other types of data. We can do it in the best way by using
"A picture is worth 1000 words!!" so I have explained a lot of things using pictures. I hope you will find it really easy. This is roughly what the final result looks like...
It has two columns, as shown. Here's a description of column zero...
I think that's sufficient to let you design all that is required.
You can execute these queries. In which case, choose the database name first.
I have used an SQL procedure...
You can save this using the procedure name (
NOTE: I have used two different tables. The databound
Thanking you all,
shibashish mohanty
. It's very simple and requires only a knowledge of C#, of web application building and of SQL 2005. "A picture is worth 1000 words!!" so I have explained a lot of things using pictures. I hope you will find it really easy. This is roughly what the final result looks like...
Design Info
First of all is theMasterGrid
. You can design it as...Label1
is databound to Emp_dept_name
, which I have described after the design info. MasterGrid column[1]
can be designed as...ItemTemplate
we have the ChildGrid
. All the columns are template columns that contain a label (individually bound to fields in Emp_table
, which is also described after the design info, as per the column name) in their ItemTemplate
. All the columns have TextBox
es in their FooterTemplate
. These are exposed when the New
(in the Modify
column) button is clicked. A Modify
column that will be visible only when the Edit
button in the 0th column of MasterGrid
is clicked can be designed as...NOTE: The
property of MasterGrid
is set to Emp_dept_name
.Data Source
For the data I have used, see the two data tablesEmp_table
and Emp_dept
, which you can create in SQL looking at the picture below...BindMasterGrid
) itself.NOTE: I have used two different tables. The databound
in the Department
column is bound to Emp_dept_name
in the Emp_dept
table. For the rest of the work, Emp_table
is used.Using the Code
Coming to the coding part: don't forget to use the correct database connection string. Put it as a parameter at the time of declaring the SQL connection. Also, make sure that the web.config file contains the correct connection string.using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection ("
Your database connection string here(
under which you create Emp_table,Emp_dept tables)");
DataView dv=new DataView();
//*******************Use of dataview to be noted here*************************
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
dv = ((DataView)SqlDataSource1.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty));
Page.MaintainScrollPositionOnPostBack = true;
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
//To bind MasterGrid the use of strored procedure named-----BindMasterGrid----
private void BindMasterGrid()
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("BindMasterGrid",con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
MasterGrid.DataSource = ds;
//Before the GridView control can be rendered, each row in the control must be
//bound to a record in the data source.The RowDataBound event is raised when a
//data row (represented by a GridViewRow object)is bound to data in the GridView
protected void MasterGrid_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
GridView gr;
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
gr = ((GridView)e.Row.FindControl("ChildGrid"));
dv.RowFilter = "Emp_dept=" + Convert.ToString(
gr.DataSource = dv;
//Use of Select statement to bind the ChildGrid
private void BindChildGrid()
for (int i = 0; i < MasterGrid.Rows.Count; i++)
((GridView)MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]).DataSource = null;
Label lbl1 = (Label)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[0].Controls[3]);
DataSet ds1 = new DataSet();
SqlCommand cmd =
new SqlCommand(
"SELECT Emp_no, Emp_name, Emp_sal FROM Emp_table where Emp_dept ='" +
lbl1.Text + "'", con);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd.CommandText, con);
da.Fill(ds1, "Emp_table");
((GridView)MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]).DataSource = ds1;
((GridView)MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]).AllowSorting = true;
//The event below is fired when "Edit" button in Department column is clicked
//The point to be noted here is that----we store the index of the row in which
//Edit button was clicked----using Sessions.
//Modify column in the ChildGrid apears
protected void MasterGrid_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
int indx = e.NewEditIndex;
Session["ind"] = indx;
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
Childgrid.Columns[3].Visible = true;
MasterGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("CancelMaster").Visible = true;
//The event below is fired when "Edit" button in Modify column of CildGrid is clicked
protected void ChildGrid_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
Childgrid.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
//The event below is fired when "Cancel" button in Department column is clicked
protected void MasterGrid_RowCancelingEdit(
object sender, GridViewCancelEditEventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
MasterGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("CancelMaster").Visible = false;
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
Childgrid.Columns[3].Visible = false;
Childgrid.EditIndex = -1;
//The event below is fired when "Cancel" button in
//Modify column(ChildGrid) is clicked
protected void ChildGrid_RowCancelingEdit(object sender,
GridViewCancelEditEventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
Childgrid.EditIndex = -1;
//To update the editing done in the ChildGrid
protected void ChildGrid_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
int empno =
string empname =
double salary =
SqlCommand cmd =
new SqlCommand("Update Emp_table set Emp_name='" +
empname + "',Emp_sal='" + salary +"'where Emp_no='" + empno+"'", con);
Childgrid.EditIndex = -1;
//Delete button will fire event below to delete a row in ChildGrid
protected void ChildGrid_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
int empno =
SqlCommand cmd =
new SqlCommand("Delete from Emp_table where Emp_no='" + empno + "'", con);
Childgrid.EditIndex = -1;
//Add a record in selected department
protected void Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
int empno =
string empname = ((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox5")).Text;
double salary =
string deptname = ((Label)MasterGrid.Rows[i].FindControl("Label1")).Text;
SqlCommand cmd =
new SqlCommand("Insert into Emp_table values('" +
empno + "','" + empname + "','" + deptname + "','" + salary + "')", con);
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox4")).Visible = false;
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TExtBox5")).Visible = false;
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox6")).Visible = false;
//New button is used to Expose TextBoxes to Enter new record
protected void New_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox4")).Visible = true;
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TExtBox5")).Visible = true;
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox6")).Visible = true;
((LinkButton)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("New")).Visible = false;
((LinkButton)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("Add")).Visible = true;
((LinkButton)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("Cancel")).Visible = true;
//When Cancel button in Modify column is clicked
protected void Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
int i = (int)Session["ind"];
GridView Childgrid = (GridView)(MasterGrid.Rows[i].Cells[1].Controls[1]);
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox4")).Visible = false;
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TExtBox5")).Visible = false;
((TextBox)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("TextBox6")).Visible = false;
((LinkButton)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("New")).Visible = true;
((LinkButton)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("Add")).Visible = false;
((LinkButton)Childgrid.FooterRow.FindControl("Cancel")).Visible = false;
I found it very interesting working with grids. We can extend this by further inserting a grid within a grid, although in real use we include various other features like JavaScript, etc. so as to avoid the transfer of bulk again and again over the web. There might be many other ways to do this efficiently, but as I am also at a beginner level, it will be best to start with this. I welcome any queries and responses from your side. Keep on making sincere efforts and you will be a good programmer one day.Thanking you all,
shibashish mohanty
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